How EasyReports BI Provides Smart Financial Insights to Improve Profitability
The financial health of a business is now one of the best indicators of a business's potential for profitability, and the first step towards knowing about the same is to go for financial analysis. However, it is not easy to analyze the voluminous data of a business. A lot of time and effort is required. So, many businesses did not have financial insights. Instead, they take crucial decisions based only on their gut feeling, but things are now changing fast. There are now easy-to-use business intelligence tools like EasyReports that provide smart financial insights and improve profitability. Let’s know how it does the same.
Detailed cash flow status
Yes, EasyReports developed by an Indian IT firm offers a detailed cash flow status of a business. The BI-driven tool not only consolidates data from various sources of a business, but also analyzes and presents the same on an interactive dashboard via attractive charts, graphs, and gauges. This reduces the effort and time of key decision-makers that are required to get valuable insights and they feel empowered to take quick financial decisions that lead to profitability.
EasyReports analyzes three kinds of cash flows to ensure that entrepreneurs can have a complete picture of the financial health of their businesses within no time. These cash flows are cash flow from operating activities (CFO), cash Flow from investing activities(CFI), and cash flow from financing activities.
It effortlessly analyzes all the available cash flow statements like the amount of cash received by a business from the sales of products or services, the cash amount that goes into purchasing inventory or equipment, the wages of employees, cash bonuses, utility bills, lease payments(if any), payment to vendors or contractors, loan interest, and so on.
Compares financial condition
EasyReports performs a comparison of the financial health of businesses with certain pointers and offers a detailed understanding of whether the financial condition has improved over the past few years or has worsened. By looking at the past and present financial performance of the business, it becomes easier to understand the weak spots and strengths. In short, such insights do not let the financial health get compromised and give ample scope to entrepreneurs to enhance it leading to profitability.
Thus, EasyReports effortlessly improves the profitability of a business with its smart financial insights. Moreover, the BI tool has a lot of interesting features and comes with a no-obligation free trial.
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