EasyReports - Bridging The Gap Between Business And Seamless Reporting

With businesses becoming more complex with time, they are generating and drowning in voluminous amount of information. Most companies either don’t have or are unaware of an advanced tool that could help them in organizing the stored data and analyzing them for their business benefits.

Even data collection methods are weak or erroneous due to which the concerned manpower often get perplexed with the report making procedures. Hence, most companies hire trained and highly qualified business analysts to do the job.

But is this true? Isn’t there any tool that can seamlessly carry out collection, organization, and analysis of the huge amount of data recorded every minute?
A business intelligence tool was developed with the view of fulfilling data collection, sorting, filtering, analysing and report making through an automated system.

Spreadsheets like Excel or ERP software are unable to take the load of the dynamic nature of information, as well as, cater to the changing custom requirements of companies. While manual work of data management or report creation seemed perennial, the companies felt the need of a technology that can be used to represent data in a simple and helpful manner in a matter of few minutes.

How EasyReports benefits businesses in reporting?

EasyReports is a BI tool which individuals of an organization or a business can use in their own way to import, sort, analyse data and create reports based on their requirements. If a company lacks an access to the right technology for their business processes, it will neither be able to look forward to large scale projects nor can successfully handle the present scenario.

When an entrepreneur tries to take business decisions based on conflicting data or human wisdom, it affects the future of his business. Hence, when one invests in a Business Intelligence tool, it should transform the entire accounting and data management experience.

Easyreports in one such tool that one can bank on for:

  • Accurate data import 
  • Accurate data output
  • Automated report generation in a wide range of formats
  • Predictive data analytics
  • Real-Time Data

A business often suffers from inaccurate data due to manual recording. With EasyReports there is no such chance of missing or typing incorrect data as the system is automated. The GIGO problem is hence, avoided; thereby assuring that the result will be 100% correct. Correct data generate correct reports for better business decisions.

EasyReports has in-built dashboards, KPIs, reports, filters, and many other features that help in generating reports in custom formats in just a few clicks. Time comparative reports are also generated based on the sale of products at different time frames.

Predictive data analytics turns data into valuable insights that facilitate in easy business decision making process. Entrepreneurs do not have to rely on the potential of employees or business analysts to deliver profit-making information. Any person without technical skill can operate this easy-to-use tool to get the desired reports in a seamless manner. EasyReports’ predictive analytics use real-time data to generate valuable insights for future based on which better best business decisions can be taken.

After all the objective of every business is to earn profits which depend on taking adequate measures. The in-built features of EasyReports not only give a clear picture of the current and future business performance but also bring transparency into the system. This change encourages employees to perform better and improve the work culture of the company.     


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