Solving Accounting Issues of Meet Marketing with Easy Reports – A study

About the company:

Meet Marketing (I) Pvt. Ltd. is a company based in Ahmedabad, India, dealing in Supplier and distributor of plastic raw materials, PVC resin, PVC grinding and so on.

Issues/Problems they were facing:

  • Meet Marketing was using Tally.ERP9 for their business operations and accounting.
  • Their accounts department used to create reports by manually exporting data and compiling reports in excel.
  • Some reports were complicated such as “Daily sales report in Tally”, “Non-Moving or Slow-Moving Items” and “Customer Sales Analysis”.
  • They were facing delay in reporting that meant the business was not able to take proper decisions on time.
  • During report generation in Tally, users found that Tally is getting slower and taking a lot of time in saving any kind of vouchers.

Solution provided by EasyReports:

Meet Marketing selected EasyReports BI tool to automate their Tally Reporting.
Some of the reports delivered by EasyReports were:

  • Agent Wise Outstanding
  • Sales vs. Receipt
  • Agent Wise Sales Comparison
  • Fastest & Slowest Stock Movement
  • Tally FIFO Ageing Report
  • Missed Out Stock Items
  • Top to Bottom Agent Wise Party Wise Sales Both in Quantity and Value
  • Agent Wise Expenses Details

We also delivered customized fields in Tally for the agent to ensure that reports were available ‘agent wise’.
With the implementation of EasyReports BI, the report generation became automated at the click of a button.

Benefits they now have after the implementation of EasyReports BI:

  • EasyReport’s seamless Tally integration ensured that the information from Tally was available in the BI without any reconciliation or manual effort.
  • The management started getting all reports and information on demand leading to better decision making and eliminated manual work for the accounts department.
  • Since EasyReports BI does not actively consume Tally resources while reports run, the problem of slowing down of Tally during report generation was also addressed.


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